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916.5 : Including Its History, the Amir Timur Museum, the Gates of Tashkent, and More

Renee Browning

개인저자Browning Renee 
서명/저자사항916.5Uzbekistan:Including Its History, the Amir Timur Museum, the Gates of Tashkent, and More /Renee Browning.
발행사항New York:BiblioBazaar,2012
형태사항152p :ill., maps ;25 cm
부분표제Including Its History, the Amir Timur Museum, the Gates of Tashkent, and More
요약Discover Uzbekistand like you have never seen it before. Whether you are a first time traveler or avid visitor of this region of the world, this book is the perfect guide for you. Read about all the amazing surprises you could find and all the must see places. Included in this book is the information about The Bukhara, The Samarkand and everything in between. With content from a huge community of contributors, you get the convenience and security of a real print travel guide, but with fresh data and content. Earth Eyes Destinations represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be curated into cohesive, relevant, and informative books. To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as we increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is being added. We believe books such as this represent a new and exciting lexicon in the sharing of human knowledge.
비통제주제어traveler,publishing paradigm,

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