서울도서관 (Seoul Metropolitan Library)

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The launch of Seoul as the capital of the republic of Korea(1945~1961) =대한민국 수도 서울의 출발(1945~1961)

[ed. by] The City History Compilation Committee of Seoul

자료유형서울시 간행물
단체저자명서울특별시 역사편찬위원회;
서명/저자사항The launch of Seoul as the capital of the republic of Korea(1945~1961) =대한민국 수도 서울의 출발(1945~1961) /[ed. by] The City History Compilation Committee of Seoul.
발행사항Seoul:The City History Compilation Committee of Seoul,2004
형태사항485 p.:삽도, 사진;30 cm
총서사항Seoul Through Pictures;3
대등표제대한민국 수도 서울의 출발(1945~1961)

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The launch of Seoul as the capital of the republic of Korea(1945~1961) =대한민국 수도 서울의 출발(1945~1961) 

웹뷰어 PC뷰어

목차 전체

Liberation, and Seoul Regained 1)Seoul in High Hopes and Expectations...14 2)The Rule of the US Military Government and Political Chaos...24 3)Establishment of the Government before Social Reform...38 Seoul and the Establishment of the Republic of Korea 1)The Beginings of the Establishment of the Republic of Korea...46 2)The Establishment of the Republic of Korea...54 Seoul and the Korean War 1)Seoul Lost, Seoul Regained...62 2)Seoul Torm by War...78 3)Life in Seoul...84 Seoul, Home of Korean Politics 1)The National Assembly, the Birthplace of Corrupted Polutics...96 2)Political Activities in Seoul...100 3)The March 15th Rigged Election and the April 19th Revolution...108 4)Rise and Fall of the Second Republic...128 Administration of Seoul 1)Reform in the Administration of Seoul...136 2)Mayor of Seoul...144 3)Seoul City Assembly...150 Seoul Rebuilt...158 Industrial Restoration on the Basis of Foreign Aid 1)International Relief Aid for Recovery from War...196 2)Inderstrial Restoration...200 3)The Bank of Korea and The chamber of Commerce and Industy...210 Economic Life of Seoul Citizens 1)Inflation and the Currency Reform...214 2)A Flood of Foreign Products and the Campaigns for Using Home Products...220 3)Makets and Department Stores...226 Transportation and Communication 1)Streetcars and Automobiles...244 2)Rail...251 3)Air...258 4)Traditional Means of Transportation...264 5)Evolution of the Traffic jam...268 6)Post and Telecommunication...274 Education 1)The Establishment of a new Educational System...282 2)Schools...284 3)Other Schools and Social Education...304 4)The Launch of Examination Wars...308 5)Anticommunist Education as a Political Tool...312 6)Library...316 Culture and Arts 1)The Media...322 2)Literature in a Divided Country...336 3)Music...338 4)Movies and Movie Theaters...342 5)Music...338 6)Sports...352 7)Cultural Properties...364 8)Religion...376 Life of Seoul Citizens 1)Who Lives IN Seoul...384 2)Fation...386 3)Food...400 4)Housing...412 5)Health and Hygiene...424 6)Seasonal Festivites...430 Londscapes of Seoul...444