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The Davenport prophecy : Knights Templar in Washington, D.C

Vernon Q Murray

개인저자Murray Vernon Q 
서명/저자사항The Davenport prophecy:Knights Templar in Washington, D.C. /Vernon Q Murray.
발행사항New York:iUniverse Inc,2009
형태사항xxi, 419 p:ill;23 cm
부분표제Knights Templar in Washington, D.C.
요약"The message described Twin Towers collapsed in September, an attacker in the air, bodies in a mound, mourners at a cremation, the words "kill," "captive," and "heaven," and more. Sept. 11th? The Davenport Stones: According to Harvard University epigrapher Dr. Barry Fell (1917-1994), Professor Emeritus; the inscriptions on the stones came from an Egyptian astrologer-priest who sailed up the Mississippi River to Davenport, Iowa in 800 B.C. Davenport and New York City share latitude. No one knows exactly when the stones were carved. But, they were found in 1877 and hailed by Freemasons, Knights Templar, and the Smithsonian Institution as proof of Freemasonry's ancient ties, and as America's Rosetta Stone, respectively-at first. 2009: Why was February 14th encoded into the artwork on the old five dollar bill? Why was a St. Valentine heart carved into the hieroglyphics on the Davenport Stones? Who was St. Valentine? And, how was his day connected with the apocalypse the stones signaled to the Templars? On a cold winter night in New York City's Central Park, a wounded knight informs astronomer Sal Smith that the fate of the world is now in his hands. Joining forces with a retired professor and the victim's lovely daughter (an Olympic kayaker from Milan), Sal and the elite team must piece together clues from currency, cathedrals, Masonic art, and the Davenport Stones. But, time is running out, and when a mysterious gentleman with access to the White House offers help--should they trust him?"--

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