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Sudan, South Sudan, and Darfur : what everyone needs to know

Andrew S Natsios

개인저자Natsios Andrew S 
서명/저자사항Sudan, South Sudan, and Darfur:what everyone needs to know /Andrew S Natsios.
발행사항New York:Oxford University Press,2012
형태사항xxviii, 250 p:maps;22 cm
총서사항What everyone needs to know.
부분표제what everyone needs to know
요약For thirty years Sudan has been a country in crisis, wracked by near-constant warfare between the north and the south. But on July 9, 2011, South Sudan became an independent nation. As Sudan once again finds itself the focus of international attention, former special envoy to Sudan and director of USAID Andrew Natsios provides a timely introduction to the country at this pivotal moment in its history. Focusing on the events of the last 25 years, Natsios sheds light on the origins of the conflict between northern and southern Sudan and the complicated politics of this volatile nation. He gives readers a first-hand view of Sudan's past as well as an honest appraisal of its future. In the wake of South Sudan's independence, Natsios explores the tensions that remain on both sides. Issues of citizenship, security, oil management, and wealth-sharing all remain unresolved. Human rights issues, particularly surrounding the ongoing violence in Darfur, likewise still clamor for solutions. Informative and accessible, this book introduces readers to the most central issues facing Sudan as it stands on the brink of historic change.
비통제주제어Sudan,History,Politics and government,Darfur,

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