서울도서관 (Seoul Metropolitan Library)

서울도서관 로고




De stoel van Friso Kramer =Friso Kramer's chair

Yvonne Brentjens

개인저자Brentjens Yvonne Kramer Friso 
서명/저자사항De stoel van Friso Kramer=Friso Kramer's chair /Yvonne Brentjens;Friso Kramer.
발행사항Rotterdam:Nai010 Publishers,2012
형태사항165 p:ill;19 cm
부분표제Friso Kramer's chair
일반주기 주한 네덜란드 대사관 기증
요약The celebrated Revolt Chair, designed by Friso Kramer (b. 1922) for manufacturer Ahrend/De Cirkel in 1953, is an icon in the history of industrial design in the Netherlands. From its introduction the chair was considered highly innovative and soon won a permanent place in classrooms, offices and homes around the world. Yvonne Brentjens, an art historian specializing in twentieth-century Dutch design, has written a portrait of this successful chair and its designer. Instead of tubing, which was used for affordable utility furniture at the time, Kramer used steel plating for the frame. The back and seat are made of pressed fibre. It is an indestructible product, slim and light, one of the first chairs to be truly produced in mass quantities.
비통제주제어Revolt chairs,Kramer Friso,Stuhl.,

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