서울도서관 (Seoul Metropolitan Library)

서울도서관 로고




Facing the wave : a journey in the wake of the tsunami

Gretel Ehrlich

개인저자Ehrlich Gretel 
서명/저자사항Facing the wave:a journey in the wake of the tsunami /Gretel Ehrlich.
발행사항New York:Pantheon Books,2013
형태사항224 p:map;22 cm
기타표제a journey in the wake of the tsunami
요약A passionate student of Japanese poetry, theater, and art for much of her life, Gretel Ehrlich felt compelled to return to the earthquake-and-tsunami-devastated Tohoku coast to bear witness, listen to survivors, and experience their terror and exhilaration in villages and towns where all shelter and hope seemed lost. In an eloquent narrative that blends strong reportage, poetic observation, and deeply felt reflection, she takes us into the upside-down world of northeastern Japan, where nothing is certain and where the boundaries between living and dying have been erased by water. The stories of rice farmers, monks, and wanderers; of fishermen who drove their boats up the steep wall of the wave; and of an eighty-four-year-old geisha who survived the tsunami to hand down a song that only she still remembered are both harrowing and inspirational. Facing death, facing life, and coming to terms with impermanence are equally compelling in a landscape of surreal desolation, as the ghostly specter of Fukushima Daiichi, the nuclear power complex, spews radiation into the ocean and air. Facing the Wave is a testament to the buoyancy, spirit, humor, and strong-mindedness of those who must find their way in a suddenly shattered world.
비통제주제어Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami,Tsunami damage,Japan,Tsunami relief,

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