Seoul Metropolitan Library

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서울도서관 로고



  • Qualification for Borrowing : A member of Seoul Metropolitan Library who has issued a Library Card
    • Borrowing can only made in person. However, the guardian (legal representative) can check out books on the behalf of members under the age of 14.
    • If members are registered as a family, those members may check out books on the behalf of the family members (Click to view family membership)
  • Number of books that can be checked out and the loan period
    Number of books that can be checked out and the loan period-sort, Books(General/Global/Disability Materials), Non-books(Movies, animation DVD/Audiobook CDs)
    Member Type Books
    (General/Global/Disability Materials)
    (Movies, animation DVD/Audiobook CDs)
    General 7 items, 15 days (Including the day of loan) 3 items, 15 days (Including the day of loan)
    Registered Disabled 10 items, 30 days (Including the day of loan)
  • Materials that cannot be checked out
    • Books: Seoul Document Collections materials, Global Collections materials donated by embassies, reference materials, serial publications, audiovisual documentations, etc.
    • Non-books: Materials with high conservation value such as documentaries or statistics
  • Double Loan Day : On the last Wednesday of every month, up to 14 books can be checked out.


  • Returning location
    • Books : Collections room circulation desk(General collections 1,2, global collections), unattended drop box
    • Non-books(DVD and other video materials) : Return to the digital collections room
  • Operation of the unattended drop box
    • Location : Back gate of the Seoul Metropolitan Library
    • Hours : 24/7
    • Caution : Unattended drop boxes can only be used to return books with no additional materials. (DVDs or books with additional materials must be returned to the circulation desk of the applicable collections room)

Extension of Loan Period

  • Books can be checked out for 15 days(including the day of loan), but books without reservations can be extended by 7 days. The extension can be made once, and can be requested on any day within the loan period.
    • STEP 01

      Log in to the website
    • STEP 02

      My Page
    • STEP 03

      Loan Status
    • STEP 04

      Click [Extend]
  • Extensions is not possible if someone else has reserved the book or if you have any overdue books.
  • The loan period for disabled members are 30 days, and extensions cannot be made.


  • Number of reservations that can be made: 3 books per person

※ If there are multiple copies of the same book, 3 people can make reservations for per copy (maximum of 10 people).

  • If you make reservations for a book that is currently checked out, you will be notified in the order of reservation via text message when the book is returned.
  • If the person who made the reservation does not check out the book within 3 days of the notification, the reservation is cancelled automatically.
  • ※ If your reservations are cancelled 3 times consecutively without cancelling them in person, your privilege for reservations will be suspended for 30 days.
  • ※ Cancellation of reservations can be made at [Seoul Metropolitan Library website/app > My Page > Application > Reservation]
    • STEP 01

      Log in to the website
    • STEP 02

      Search Book
    • STEP 03

      Book [Details]
    • STEP 04

      Click [Reservation]

※ Reservations are promises to keep : Please reserve only the books that you need, and borrow the books that you have reserved.

Returning Overdue Books

  • When overdue books are returned, borrowing privileges will be suspended for corresponding days (number of books X days overdue).

Loss or Damage of Books

  • If you have lost or damaged a book, you must reimburse with the same book.
  • If the same book is not available, you need to purchase a substitute book for reimbursement. In this case, please inquire with the applicable collections room.