서울도서관 (Seoul Metropolitan Library)

서울도서관 로고




The consumer revolution in urban China

edited by Deborah S. Davis

개인저자Davis Deborah1945- 
서명/저자사항The consumer revolution in urban China /edited by Deborah S. Davis.
발행사항Berkeley:University of California Press,2000
형태사항xiii, 366 p.:ill.;24 cm
총서사항Studies on China;22
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Revolution in consumption / Deborah S. Davis. - Inventing oasis : luxury housing advertisements and reconfiguring domestic space in Shanghai / David Fraser. - Commercializing childhood : parental purchases for Shanghai's only child / Deborah S. Davis and Julia S. Sensenbrenner. - What's in a dress? Brides in the Hui Quarter of Xi'an / Maris Gillette. - Revitalization of the marketplace : food markets of Nanjing / Ann Veeck. - To be relatively comfortable in an egalitarian society / Hanlong Lu. - Heart-to-heart, phone-to-phone : family values, sexuality, and the politics of Shanghai's advice hotlines / Kathleen Erwin. - Greeting cards in China : mixed language of connections and affections / Mary S. Erbaugh. - Of hamburger and social space : consuming McDonald's in Beijing / Yunxiang Yan. - Dancing through the market transition : disco and dance hall sociability in Shanghai / James Farrer. - Cultivating friendship through bowling in Shenzhen. - Gan Wang. - Cigarettes and domination in Chinese business networks : institutional change during the market transition / David L. Wank. - Public monuments and private pleasures in the parks of Nanjing : a tango in the ruins of the Ming emperor's palace / Richard Kraus. - Second liberation / Richard Madsen.

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