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Hope is cut : youth, unemployment, and the future in urban Ethiopia

Daniel Mains

개인저자Mains Daniel 
서명/저자사항Hope is cut :youth, unemployment, and the future in urban Ethiopia /Daniel Mains.
발행사항Philadelphia:Temple University Press ,2012
형태사항186 p:maps;24 cm
총서사항Global youth.
부분표제the global expansion of Britain
요약"How do ambitious young men grapple with an unemployment rate in urban Ethiopia hovering around fifty percent? Urban, educated, and unemployed young men have been the primary force behind the recent unrest and revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East. Daniel Mains' detailed and moving ethnographic study, Hope is Cut, examines young men's struggles to retain hope for the future in the midst of economic uncertainty and cultural globalization. Through a close ethnographic examination of young men's day-to-day lives& nbsp;Hope is Cut explores the construction of optimism through activities like formal schooling, the consumption of international films, and the use of khat, a mild stimulant. Mains also provides a consideration of social theories concerning space, time, and capitalism. Young men here experience unemployment as a problem of time--they often congregate on street corners, joking that the only change in their lives is the sun rising and setting. Mains addresses these factors and the importance of reciprocity and international migration as a means of overcoming the barriers to attaining aspirations."
비통제주제어Urban youth,Ethiopia,Social conditions,Employment,

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