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The rise of Rome : the making of the world's greatest empire

Anthony Everitt

개인저자Everitt Anthony 
서명/저자사항The rise of Rome :the making of the world's greatest empire /Anthony Everitt.
발행사항New York:Random House,2012
형태사항xxxii, 478 p:col. ill., maps ;25 cm
부분표제the making of the world's greatest empire
요약Rome's decline and fall have long fascinated historians, but the story of how the empire was won is every bit as compelling. Emerging as a market town from a cluster of hill villages in the eighth and seventh centuries B.C.E., Rome grew to become the ancient world's preeminent power. Historian Anthony Everitt fashions the story of Rome's rise to glory into an erudite page-turner filled with lessons for our time. He paints indelible portraits of the great Romans--and non-Romans--who left their mark on the Roman world. He chronicles the clash between patricians and plebeians that defined the politics of the Republic. He shows how Rome's shrewd strategy of offering citizenship to her defeated subjects was instrumental in expanding the reach of her burgeoning empire. And he outlines the corrosion of constitutional norms that accompanied Rome's imperial expansion, as old habits of political compromise gave way, leading to violence and civil war. In the end, unimaginable wealth and power corrupted the traditional virtues of the Republic, and Rome was left triumphant everywhere except within its own borders.--From publisher description.
비통제주제어Rome,History,Empire 30 B.C.-284 A.D.,Empire 284-476.,Ancient,

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