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A history of Germany, 1918-2008 : the divided nation

Mary Fulbrook

개인저자Fulbrook Mary 
서명/저자사항A history of Germany, 1918-2008 :the divided nation /Mary Fulbrook.
판사항3rd ed.
발행사항Chichester, West Sussex, U.K:Malden, MA,2009
형태사항xiii, 386 p:ill., maps ;23 cm
부분표제the divided nation
요약From the Publisher: The third edition of A History of Germany traces the dramatic social, cultural, and political tensions in Germany since 1918. Offers a persuasive interpretation of the dynamics of twentieth-century German history; treats German history from 1918-2008 from the perspective of division and reunification, covering East and West German history in equal depth; covers the self-destructive Weimar Republic, the extremes of genocide and military aggression in the Nazi era, the division of the nation in the Cold War, and the collapse of communist East Germany and unification in 1990. New edition includes updates throughout, especially covering the Nazi period and the Holocaust; a new chapter on Germany since the 1990s; and a substantially revised and updated bibliography
비통제주제어Germany,Politics and government,20th century.,Duitsland.,Deutschland.,

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