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Swiss watching : inside the land of milk and money

Diccon Bewes

개인저자Bewes Diccon 
서명/저자사항Swiss watching :inside the land of milk and money /Diccon Bewes.
판사항2nd rev. ed.
발행사항London:Nicholas Brealey,2012
형태사항xii, 324 p;22 cm
부분표제inside the land of milk and money
요약The country that gave us triangular chocolate and holey cheese. The country famous for its punctual trains and strict neutrality. The country that has yodelling festivals on national television. A revealing journey around Switzerland, showing how the breathtaking scenery shaped the nation and introducing a people with more power than their politicians, who can't speak to each other in one language and own more guns per head than the people of Iraq. Swiss Watching is a light-hearted yet revealing journey around Europe's most individual country. From seeking Heidi and finding the best chocolate to reliving a bloody past and exploring an uncertain future, Swiss Watching proves that there's more to Switzerland than banks, skis, francs and cheese.
비통제주제어Switzerland,Description and travel,Travel.,

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