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Ghosts of Spain : travels through Spain and its silent past

Giles Tremlett

개인저자Tremlett Giles 
서명/저자사항Ghosts of Spain :travels through Spain and its silent past /Giles Tremlett.
발행사항New York:Walker & Co,2008
형태사항396 p;21 cm
부분표제travels through Spain and its silent past
요약The appearance, more than sixty years after the Spanish Civil War, of mass graves containing victims of Franco's death squads finally broke the unwritten understanding among Spaniards that their recent, painful past was best left unexplored. Madrid-based journalist and 20-year resident Tremlett embarked on a journey around the country and through its history to discover why its people have kept silent so long, and here unveils the tinderbox of disagreements that mark the country today. Delving into such questions as who caused the Civil War, why Basque terrorists kill, why Catalans hate Madrid, and whether the Islamist bombers who killed 190 people in 2004 dreamed of a return to Spain's Moorish past, Tremlett finds the ghosts of the past everywhere. He also offers trenchant observations on Spanish life today, such as why Spaniards dislike authority figures, but are cowed by a doctor's white coat, and how women have embraced feminism without men noticing.--From publisher description.
비통제주제어Tremlett Giles,Travel,Spain.,National characteristics,Social life and customs,20th century.,

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