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Tibet : a history

Sam Van Schaik

개인저자Schaik Sam Van 
서명/저자사항Tibet :a history /Sam Van Schaik.
발행사항New Haven:Yale University Press,2011
형태사항xxiii, 324 p:ill., maps ;25 cm
부분표제a history
요약This book presents a comprehensive history of the country of Tibet, from its beginnings in the seventh century, to its rise as a Buddhist empire in medieval times, to its conquest by China in 1950, and subsequent rule by the Chinese. Situated north of the Himalayas, Tibet is famous for its unique culture and its controversial assimilation into modern China. Yet Tibet in the twenty-first century can only be properly understood in the context of its extraordinary history. The author brings the history of Tibet to life by telling the stories of the people involved, from the glory days of the Tibetan empire in the seventh century through to the present day. He explores the emergence of Tibetan Buddhism and the rise of the Dalai Lamas, Tibet's entanglement in the "Great Game" in the early twentieth century, its submission to Chinese Communist rule in the 1950s, and the troubled times of recent decades. The book sheds light on the country's complex relationship with China and explains often misunderstood aspects of its culture, such as reborn lamas, monasteries and hermits, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the role of the Dalai Lama. The author works through the layers of history and myth to create a narrative that offers readers a greater understanding of this important and controversial corner of the world.
비통제주제어Tibet Autonomous Region,History.,

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