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A weak American in Russia & Ukraine : adventures & misadventures living among the natives

Walter Parchomenko

개인저자Parchomenko Walter Chu Vikki Parchomenko Guy 
서명/저자사항A weak American in Russia & Ukraine:adventures & misadventures living among the natives /Walter Parchomenko;Vikki Chu;Guy Parchomenko.
발행사항New York:AweakAm Book,2012
형태사항302 p;22 cm
부분표제adventures & misadventures living among the natives
요약A Weak American in Russia & Ukraine is a painfully funny collection of travel nightmares; country and culture shocks experienced by an American living and working among the natives over the past 20 years. It offers practical tips on how to cope with: Sexy young women who view foreign men as potential ATM machines and transportation out of their closed countries; herds of stampeding Slavs on city streets, in metro areas and supermarkets; angry motorists who stop for pedestrians at crosswalks only because they are bumpier than potholes; packs of howling stray dogs who don't understand English and Slavic attack pigeons.A Weak American in Russia & Ukraine also takes readers by the hand and allows them to experience the agony of entering a collapsing post-Soviet medical systemand interacting with Kafkaesque bureaucracies. And it provides foreign men, who seek Slavic brides, priceless advice that can save them from bankruptcy, jail and even confinement in a psychiatric hospital.

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