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The fate of Sudan : the origins and consequences of a flawed peace process

John Young

개인저자Young John 
서명/저자사항The fate of Sudan:the origins and consequences of a flawed peace process /John Young.
발행사항New York:Zed Books,2012
형태사항xx, 388 p:map;22 cm
부분표제the origins and consequences of a flawed peace process
요약"In 2005, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) ended one of Africa's most devastating civil wars and set the stage for the partition of Sudan, Africa's largest country. One of the most important peace agreements in African history, it has had decisive consequences for the entire Horn of Africa. Yet to date there has been little rigorous analysis as to why the parties signed the CPA, what strategies they adopted having signed the agreement, and the political consequences of state partition actually are. In The Fate of Sudan, John Young argues forcefully that the birth of the independent state of Southern Sudan and the threat of further dismemberment of a rump northern Sudan are due to the failure of the approaches and ideologies of the main Sudanese parties, as well as a deeply flawed US-backed peace process that excludes civil society and other rebel groups. Written by someone directly involved in the Sudanese election and referendum processes, and featuring a wealth of first-hand evidence, this is a crucial examination of a topic of intense political and media interest."
비통제주제어Sudan,Politics and government,History,Civil War,Peace.,Darfur Conflict,

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