서울도서관 (Seoul Metropolitan Library)

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They poured fire on us from the sky : the true story of three lost boys from Sudan

Alephonsion Deng

개인저자Bernstein Judy Deng Alephonsion Deng Benson Ajak Benjamin 
서명/저자사항They poured fire on us from the sky :the true story of three lost boys from Sudan /Alephonsion Deng;Benson Deng;Benjamin Ajak;Judy Bernstein.
발행사항New York:Public Affairs,2005
형태사항xxiii, 311 p:map;22 cm
부분표제the true story of three lost boys from Sudan
요약As gunshots, flames, and screams engulfed their village, three cousins fled into the cover of the forest. Every step led the boys away from their peaceful, agrarian world--a traditional world where spear-toting fathers protected their huts from the lions that roamed by night. With each footstep they were drawn deeper into the horrific violence of Sudan's civil war: a world of bombed-out villages, mine-sown roads, and relentless desert, a world where starving adults would snatch the grain from a weak child's fingers. Across Sudan, between 1987 and 1989, tens of thousands of young boys took flight from these massacres. Their journey led them first to Ethiopia and then, driven back into Sudan, toward Kenya. They walked nearly one thousand miles, sustained only by the sheer will to live. This book is the three boys' account of that unimaginable journey.--From publisher description.
비통제주제어Deng Benson,Deng Alephonsion,Ajak Benjamin.,

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