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The teeth may smile but the heart does not forget : murder and memory in Uganda

Andrew Rice

개인저자Rice Andrew 
서명/저자사항The teeth may smile but the heart does not forget:murder and memory in Uganda /Andrew Rice.
발행사항New York:Picador,2010
형태사항363 p:사진;22 cm
부분표제murder and memory in Uganda
요약"The people of Uganda have long struggled to bury the worst of their history, but after the violent reign of Idi Amin, reminders were never far from view. In 2000, lawyer Duncan Laki came across a clue to his father's 1972 disappearance, and the ensuing search ultimately led him to a shallow grave--and then to three old soldiers, including Amin's military chief of staff. Laki's discovery resulted in a trial that, in the end, offered all Ugandans the reckoning they had long been denied. A detective story, a tale of fathers and sons, and a political history, this is above all an illumination of the wounded societies of modern Africa and an exploration of how--and whether--the past can ever be laid to rest." -- cover.
비통제주제어Laki Eliphaz,Laki Duncan,Gowon Yusuf,Trials,litigation,

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