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Graphic agitation : social and political graphics in the digital age .2

Liz McQuiston

개인저자McQuiston Liz 
서명/저자사항Graphic agitation:social and political graphics in the digital age .Liz McQuiston.
발행사항London:Phaidon Press,2004
형태사항240 p:ill. (some col.);30 cm
부분표제social and political graphics in the digital age
요약"This book follows on from Graphic Agitation, published by Phaidon in 1993, to look at a range of social and political graphics from the past decade." "The book begins with a survey of political and social graphics in the 1990s, and looks at how, and why, the nature of protest changed in that decade. In particular it examines the impact of the 'digital age', and the profound effect new technologies have had even on non-digital media. There follows a review of protest graphics from the 1960s, '70s and '80s, providing context and featuring groundbreaking images from around the world." "Reflecting the mix of agitational protest taking place today, Graphic Agitation 2 shows work by both professional designers and non-professional activists on the 'street'. It includes the latest digital media alongside more traditional graphic methods. Graphic Agitation 2 is a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in visual media, politics, and social history."--BOOK JACKET.
비통제주제어Commercial art,Themes,motives,Social problems,art,Politics in art.,

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