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What if Latin America ruled the world? : how the South will take the North through the 21st century

Oscar Guardiola-Rivera

개인저자Rivera Oscar Guardiola 
서명/저자사항What if Latin America ruled the world?:how the South will take the North through the 21st century /Oscar Guardiola-Rivera.
발행사항New York:Bloomsbury Press,2010
형태사항472 p:maps;25cm
기타표제how the South will take the North through the 21st century
요약For too many of us, Latin America exists "below the fold," an echo barely heard beyond the roar of U.S. economics, politics, and culture; the source of little more than dance steps, mesmerizing soccer, spicy food, and questionable politics. But Latin America has been a vital part of the global community since the seventeenth century, when the Spanish silver peso became the world's first global currency instrument. Today it is home to six hundred million people and some of the fastest-growing economies on the planet. Latin America may not outshine or outspend the United States on the world stage anytime soon, but its voices will be heard. Its consumers, resources, and emigrants are already affecting us; they will be even bigger factors in our future. What if Latin America Ruled the World? deftly braids together the histories of North and South America from the exploits of Hernán Cortés to the political showmanship of Hugo Chávez and Evo Morales. Scholar Oscar Guardiola-Rivera is an ideal guide for a searching portrait of the Latin America that we rarely hear about.--Publisher description.
비통제주제어Latin America,Economic conditions,21st century.,Civilization,Amérique latine,

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