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Miss Anne in Harlem : the white women of the black renaissance

Carla Kaplan

개인저자Kaplan Carla 
서명/저자사항Miss Anne in Harlem:the white women of the black renaissance /Carla Kaplan.
발행사항New York:HarperCollins,2013
형태사항xxi, 505 p:ill;24 cm
기타표제the white women of the black renaissance
요약Scholar Carla Kaplan's cultural biography focuses on white women, collectively called "Miss Anne," who became Harlem Renaissance insiders. The 1920s in New York City was a time of freedom, experimentation, and passion--with Harlem at the epicenter. White men could go uptown to see jazz and modern dance, but women who embraced black culture too enthusiastically could be ostracized. Miss Anne in Harlem focuses on six of the unconventional, free-thinking women, some from Manhattan high society, many Jewish, who crossed race lines and defied social conventions to become a part of the culture and heartbeat of Harlem.
비통제주제어Harlem Renaissance,History,Women White,New York,Biography,African American intellectuals,

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