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Overdressed : the shockingly high cost of cheap fashion

Elizabeth L Cline

개인저자Cline Elizabeth L 
서명/저자사항Overdressed:the shockingly high cost of cheap fashion /Elizabeth L Cline.
발행사항New York:Portfolio/Penguin,2013
형태사항258p;22 cm
기타표제the shockingly high cost of cheap fashion
요약This work evaluates the costs of low priced clothing while tracing the author's own transformation to a conscientious shopper, a journey during which she visited a garment factory, learned to resole shoes, and shopped for local, sustainable clothing. Until recently, she was a typical American consumer. She had grown accustomed to shopping at outlet malls, discount stores like T.J. Maxx, and cheap but trendy retailers like Forever 21, Target, and H&M. She was buying a new item of clothing almost every week, the national average is sixty four per year, but all she had to show for it was a closet and countless storage bins packed full of low quality fads she barely wore, including the same sailor stripe tops and fleece hoodies as a million other shoppers. When she found herself lugging home seven pairs of identical canvas flats from Kmart, she realized that something was deeply wrong. Cheap fashion has fundamentally changed the way most Americans dress. Stores ranging from discounters like Target to traditional chains like JC Penney now offer the newest trends at unprecedentedly low prices.
비통제주제어Clothing trade,Social aspects.,Clothing trade,Environmental aspects.,Fashion,Social aspects.,

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