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Left, right, up, down : new directions in signage and wayfinding

Martin Lorenz

개인저자Lorenz Martin 
서명/저자사항Left, right, up, down:new directions in signage and wayfinding /Martin LorenzTwoPoints.NetVier5.
형태사항240p:col. ill;31 cm
기타표제new directions in signage and wayfinding
요약The true importance of signage and wayfinding systems only becomes evident when they do not work. This book presents the unsung heroes of functional graphic design. When trying to get through masses of people quickly at a train station or airport to catch a connection, when looking for the right hospital ward in an emergency, or when simply navigating through large, unfamiliar buildings such as museums, convention centers, or parking garages, one urgently needs orientation. In such situations, signage and wayfinding systems help us find our way effectively in spite of stress, crowds, or circuitousness. Left, Right, Up, Down presents current approaches to design that provide orientation in and around buildings. Because this work must be universally legible and understood immediately by people of all ages and cultures, the margin for success is quite slim. This book provides myriad examples that join graphic design and architecture so well that the result elegantly meets the specific navigational needs of the situation. With its range of attractive, experimental, low-budget, and flexible solutions, Left, Right, Up, Down is an inspirational and insightful examination of current possibilities for practical applied information graphics. -- Product Description.
비통제주제어Signs and signboards.,Communication in design.,Comunicación en diseño.,

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