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Prefabulous and sustainable : building and customizing an affordable, energy-efficient home

Sheri Koones

개인저자Koones Sheri 
서명/저자사항Prefabulous and sustainable:building and customizing an affordable, energy-efficient home /Sheri Koones.
발행사항New York:Abrams,2010
형태사항239 p:col. ill;26 cm
기타표제building and customizing an affordable, energy-efficient home
요약Prefabulous and Sustainable dispels the negative myths associated with prefab homes and shows the reader how beautiful and remarkably green prefab homes are. In this guide to prefab home-building author Sheri Koones, demystifies the prefabricated house by using 25 unique homes to showcase how factory-built homes are greener, more efficient, sturdier, and more cost-effective than site-built homes. The book is divided into 3 categories-green, greener, greenest-and the homes featured vary in style, design, type of construction, and size. All of the homes included in Prefabulous and Sustainable have been customized to create a level of sustainability beyond the inherent qualities of prefab. Written in an easy to understand and approachable style, author Sheri Koones walks the readers through each of the homes, explaining the materials, strategies, and systems used to create a sustainable living environment. Photographs, captions, floor plans, and sidebars illustrate to readers that green living is not as complicated as one might think, and attainable for everyone. Also included is a resource guide, making this book a hand-on guide for homebuilders.
비통제주제어Prefabricated houses.,Sustainable architecture.,Architecture,Domestic.,

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