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The Toy story films : an animated journey

Charles Solomon

개인저자Solomon Charles Miyazaki Hayao Lasseter John 
서명/저자사항The Toy story films:an animated journey /Charles SolomonHayao MiyazakiJohn Lasseter.
발행사항New York:Turnaround,2012
형태사항191 p:ill;29 x 31 cm
기타표제an animated journey
요약The tale of the Toy Story films begins with an animation studio called Pixar. Once upon a time (in 1988), Pixar released a short called Tin Toy. The success of that film, plus other shorts that Pixar had created, led the management of the Disney Studio to suggest that the Pixar artists make a feature that Disney would distribute. The result of this collaboration was Toy Story, a film that showcased the power of a new medium as an art form and entertainment. The three Toy Story features encompass the history of the Pixar Studio and computer animated features, yet their creation has only been presented in piecemeal fashion--until now. The Toy Story Films recounts the origin and growth of one of the most significant and successful franchises in Hollywood history. Discover interviews with the animators, directors, and voice actors who brought the films to life; artwork that inspired, grew into, or became a part of the iconic movies; and untold details of the trials, tribulations, and triumphs that the filmmakers experienced while creating such unforgettable characters.
비통제주제어Toy story,Motion picture,

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