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Tadao Ando : museums

Tadao Andō

개인저자Andō Tadao Molinari Luca 
서명/저자사항Tadao Ando:museums /Tadao AndōLuca Molinari.
형태사항239 p:ill. (chiefly col.);29 cm
요약"More than thirty years ago Tadao Ando started to establish himself as one of the best designers on the international scene for the rigor and character of his works, and ever since his intense activity has moved tirelessly between private residences and public buildings. Each of Ando's museums has added a small piece to the construction of a cohesive path based on a strong and clear use of geometry, the employment of few materials in the right proportions, the harmony of the spaces, and a relationship with the landscape. From this point of view, his series of museums communicates the Japanese master's design philosophy perfectly. This book has been put together with the architect, who, through an important and exclusive series of study sketches, images, and models, tells us of his works and his way of seeing and conceiving architecture including the construction of the museum. From the early buildings accomplished in Naoshima, Osaka and Oyamazaki, through the Pulitzer Center in Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art in Fort Worth, and the restructuring of Palazzo Grassi in Venice, readers will be guided into the reserved and rigorous world of Tadao Ando, gaining a sense of the "secret" of his project work."--BOOK JACKET.
비통제주제어Andō Tadao,Museum architecture,Designs and plans.,Architecture Modern,

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