Seoul Metropolitan Library

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서울도서관 로고

Digital Collections

The Digital Collections

holds DVD materials and domestic publications in various fields, and you can use various multimedia materials such as web DB and the Internet.
You can also sign up for membership at the Seoul Metropolitan Library website and get a library card issued.

About this Room

Location and Hours of Operation Of The Digital Data Collections-Location, Hours of Operation
Location Hours of Operation
  • Weekdays(Tue~Fri): 09:00 ~ 21:00
  • Weekends(Sat~Sun): 09:00 ~ 18:00

Materials in Possession

Materials in Possession-Sort, Classification
Sort Classification
DVD Materials Movies, animations, Seoul documents, materials donated by the embassies, documentaries, live performances, etc.
Domestic Periodicals Domestic weekly magazines, monthly magazines, bimonthly magazines, quarterly magazines, etc. on various topics

PC Usage

  • At the Digital Collections room, you can use the PC for Internet, watching DVDs, academic DB, and printing.
    PC Usage-Sort, Use, Note
    Sort Use Note
    PC Internet and documents  
    Academic DB/Smart PC National Assembly, National Library of Korea, and Korea Textbook Research Foundation academic DB / Photoshop and illustrator available / Printing and scanning available Request for use to the manager
    DVD Seats Check out the DVD before watching No internet
    Printing PC No reservation needed. Can be used up to 10 minutes per session  
  • Seat reservation: PC for seat reservation in the digital collections room

    ※ Reservations can only be made by visiting the library on the day. (No reservation over the phone or online)

  • Can be used up to 2 hours per day
  • If you do not log in within 20 minutes of the starting time of use, your reservation will be cancelled
  • Rebooting the computer will initialize all data
  • Your use may be suspended if you use another person's ID or for purposes unsuitable for public places (games, viewing pornography, etc.)

Facilities Available

Facilities Available-Sort, Use, Fee
Sort How to Use Fee
Printer (Black and White) Reserve the seat and print the materials at the PC A4 50 KRW, B4 70 KRW per page
Copier(Black and White) Partial copying of the range permitted by the copyright law
Personal documents cannot be copied
A4 50 KRW, B4 70 KRW per page
Scanner Log in to the academic DB/smart PC then use (Need the permission of the manager) Free

Photographs of the Digital Collections

Photographs of the Digital Collections1 Photographs of the Digital Collections2

Inquiry for Use

  • Seoul Metropolitan Library Digital Collections : 02)2133-0267, 0305