Seoul Metropolitan Library

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서울도서관 로고

Global Collections

The Global Collections

holds foreign books of various languages, the Korean Collections that introduces Korea,
materials donated by the embassies of various countries, and foreign periodicals.

About this Room

About this Room-Location, Hours of Operation
Location Hours of Operation
4F Weekdays/Weekends (Tue~Sun) : 09:00 ~ 18:00

Materials in Possession

Materials in Possession-Sort, Description
Sort Description
Foreign Books Materials in English and non-English languages (Japan, China, Germany, Spain, Philippines, France, Indonesia, Cambodia, Mongolia, Russia, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, etc.)
Korea Collections Introduction to Seoul, Korea in foreign languages
Donated Materials Books, leaflets, artifacts, etc. donated by embassies and cultural centers from 60 countries
Foreign Periodicals 10 Eastern and Western newspapers, 50 magazines

* Donations from embassies and serial publications can only be viewed in the library.(No check outs)

Facilities Available

  • Book Search PC(2EA), Copier(1EA)
  • Seats : Total 34 seats.(2 seats for disabled)

Exhibition of Materials Donated by the Embassies

  • Books and artifacts donated by embassies and cultural centers from 60 countries are exhibited.

Foreign Academic Journal Literature Copying Service

  • In accordance with a business agreement with Ewha Womans University, the Global Collections provides Document Delivery Services for foreign academic journals in the fields of education, society, and arts and sports.
    Click to view (These menus are only provided in Korean)

Photographs of Global Collections

Photographs of Global Collections1 Photographs of Global Collections2

Inquiry for Use

  • Seoul Metropolitan Library Global Collections : 2133-0311~2