Seoul Metropolitan Library

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서울도서관 로고

Disability Collections

The Disability Collections

is a library space designed for individuals with physical challenges and those aged 65 and above. It provides services for accessing and borrowing alternative materials such as Braille books, sign language video materials, audiobooks, and offers support for reading aids.

About this Room

About this Room-Location, Hours of Operation, Available For
Location Hours of Operation Available For

Weekdays(Tue~Fri): 09:00 ~ 21:00
Weekends(Sat~Sun): 09:00 ~ 18:00

Those with difficulties reading (Disabled, elders over 65 years old)

Materials in Possession

Materials in Possession-Sort, Description
Sort Description
Visually Impaired Braille books, braille label books, tactile books, screen commentary materials, large-print books
Hearing Impaired Sign language video book, subtitle video material
Developmental Disability Easy language books
Periodicals Braille newsletters, biweekly magazines, monthly magazines, quarterly magazines related to the disabled, etc.
Others Audiobooks (audio disc format)

Facilities Available

  • Internet browsing and document writing PCs (6 EA), PC for visually impaired (2 EA), material search PC (1 EA), printer (1 EA), wheelchair charger (1 EA)
  • Material room for disabled only: face-to-face reading room, sign language video room
  • Seats : Total 8 seats(4~6 additional seats in the material room for disabled only)

Aiding Devices for Disabled

  • The room is equipped with reading aids for people with difficulties reading
    Aiding Devices for Disabled-Sort, Aiding Devices
    Sort 보조기기
    Visually Impaired Book magnifier, portable book magnifier, Braille device, voice conversion output, Braille printer, Braille label printer, sense reader, monitor arm
    Hearing Impaired Hearing aid, bone conduction headphones, sign language video phone
    Others Wheelchair, page turning tool, one hand keyboard (left/right)

Photographs of Disability Collections

Photographs of Disability Collections1 Photographs of Disability Collections2

Inquiry for Use

  • Seoul Metropolitan Library Disability Collections: 02) 2133-0263~4