Seoul Metropolitan Library

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서울도서관 로고

Old Mayor’s Room

The Restoration Section (Old Mayor's Room)

is the office space used by mayors of Seoul for over 60 years since the Independence to May 2008.
The Old Mayor's Office is located in the center of 3F of the Seoul Metropolitan Library and consists of an office and a reception room.
The office equipment and furniture used in the old times are reproduced exactly as they were.

Operation and Hours of Operation

Operation and Hours of Operation-Sort, Restoration Section (Old Mayor's Office)
Sort Restoration Section (Old Mayor's Office)
Opening Days Initial opening ’12. 10. ~ ’13. 03. (Organized by: Seoul Museum of History)
1st reorganization ’13. 04. ~ ’13. 10. (Organized by: Information Disclosure Policy Division, Exhibition presentation reorganized)
2nd reorganization ’18. 08. ~ ’18. 11. (Organized by: Information Disclosure Policy Division, Exhibition presentation updated)
Size 255.3㎡ - Mayor's Office 61㎡, Reception Room 64㎡, Planning and Situation Room 130㎡
Hours Tue∼Sun(09:00~18:00), Closed on Mondays and National Holidays
Description Reproduction of the old mayor's office and annexed spaces, exhibition of major municipal administration records
Department in Charge Seoul City, Information Disclosure Policy Division (02-2133-5695)

Exhibition Information

  • Exhibition Information
Exhibition Information-Sort, Description, Presentation Method
Sort Description Presentation Method
1. 3F Lobby
  • E.I(Exhibition Identity)
  • Guide to Seoul Archival Services and Old Mayor’s Office, Presentation of Seoul's spatial geography from the past to the present
Lobby Photo1  Lobby Photo2
2. Planning and Situation Room
  • 60 years of Seoul explained through documents
  • Slogans on the city hall entrance over the years that show the changes in the city
  • Seoul, the history of its citizens (Tales of the citizens)
Planning and Situation Room1  Planning and Situation Room2
Planning and Situation Room3  Planning and Situation Room4
3. Reception Room
  • Reception with famous people who visited Seoul
  • Status of sister cities in other countries
  • Gifts from foreign cities
Reception Room1  Reception Room2
4. Mayor's Office
  • Seoul City’s administrative history in chronological order
  • Infopraphic on former mayors of Seoul
  • Experience the office of the mayor
Mayor's Office1  Mayor's Office2
Exhibition Information-Sort, Description, Presentation Method
Sort Description
1. 3F Lobby
  • Guide to Seoul Archival Services and Old Mayor’s Office
  • Presentation of Seoul's spatial geography from the past to the present
  3F Lobby1  3F Lobby2
2. Planning and Situation Room
  • 60 years of Seoul explained through documents
  • Slogans on the city hall entrance over the years that show the changes in the city
  • Seoul, the history of its citizens (Tales of the citizens)
  Planning and Situation Room 1  Planning and Situation Room 2   Planning and Situation Room 3  Planning and Situation Room 4
3. Reception Room
  • Reception with famous people who visited Seoul
  • Status of sister cities in other countries
  • Gifts from foreign cities
  Reception Room1  Reception Room2
4. Mayor's Office
  • Seoul City’s administrative history in chronological order
  • Infopraphic on former mayors of Seoul
  • Experience the office of the mayor
  Mayor's Office1  Mayor's Office2

Exhibition Map for the Seoul Old Mayor's Room

옛 시장실 안내도입니다. 출입구 밖 왼쪽으로는 서울특별시청 정보그래픽이 전시되어 있으며, 출입구 안 중앙에는 기획상황실이 있고 오른쪽으로 접견실, 시장집무실이 위치해 있습니다. 기획상황실은 왼쪽 벽면에 통계로 보는 서울 살이, 뒷쪽으로는 역대 시청현관 구호와 시정기록, 오른쪽으로는 서울 역사 반세기가 전시되어 있습니다. 접결실 앞쪽은 서울시 해외 우호 도시현황, 왼쪽은 해외 우호도서에서 받은 선물, 오른쪽은 서울시장 책상이 전시되어 있습니다. 시장집무실 앞쪽은 결재문서, 뒤쪽은 서울시장책상, 왼쪽은 서울연표, 오른쪽은 역대 서울시장 정보그래픽이 전시되어 있습니다.

Seoul Old Mayor's Room leaflet

cover (PDF)

content (PDF)

Exhibition, Contacts

Seoul City, Information Disclosure Officer (02-2133-5695)