Seoul Metropolitan Library

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서울도서관 로고

General Collections

The General Collections

holds general domestic books that are arranged using the KDC system so that anyone can quickly and easily find a book that they want
There are various zones such as book curation, textbooks for Korea National Open University, and books related to dementia and its prevention.

About this Room

Location AND Hours of Operation of The General Collections-Location, Hours of Operation
Location Hours of Operation
1F, 2F

Weekdays(Tue~Fri): 09:00 ~ 21:00

Weekends(Sat~Sun): 09:00 ~ 18:00

* Borrowing books are only available to members who have been issued the library card

Materials in Possession

Materials in Possession-Sort, Classification
Sort Classification
General Collections 1F Children(C), General(000), Philosophy(100), Religion(200), Social Sciences(300), Natural Sciences(400), Technical Sciences(500)
General Collections 2F Children Foreign(CF), Art(600), Language(700), Literature(800), History(900)

Facilities Available

  • Book Search PC(8EA), Copier(2EA), Self-check(Borrow/Return) Machine (6EA)
  • Seats : Total 72 seats(4 for disabled)

Saenggak Maru(Think Floor)

  • Saenggak Maru The pride of the Seoul Metropolitan Library is the Byeokmyeonseoga(wall surface bookshelves), a work by the architect Kerl Yoo, which was designed along the interior of the library's facade. There are several advantages of this design, such as efficient use of space and blocking the external noises. The 1F and 2F of the general collections were opened for the high bookshelves, and the wooden Saenggak Maru has been the most popular attraction among the citizens since the opening of the library. The Saenggak maru symbolizes the importance of the Seoul Metropolitan Library as a pillar of democracy that empowers citizens through reading and as the city's representative library. Normally, Saenggak maru is use as a reading space where couples, friends, and family gather together to enjoy reading and leisure, and sometimes it becomes a space for various events such as discussions, concerts, and lectures.
    Saenggak Maru Inside1 Saenggak Maru Inside2 library bookshelf1 library bookshelf2

Inquiry for Use

  • Seoul Metropolitan Library General Collections : 02)2133-0302~0304