Seoul Metropolitan Library

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서울도서관 로고

Library Card Issuance

Methods of getting a library card issued

  • Visit the Library See “Visit the Library”
    • Description: Create an account at the Seoul Metropolitan Library website, bring required documents, and visit the 2F of the library (Digital Collections)
    • Services available upon issue : The physical plastic card and the mobile library card will be issued making all services available
  • Online Issue(Untact qualification confirmation) See “Online Issue”
    • Description: Create an account at the Seoul Metropolitan Library website, and proceed with the untact qualification confirmation process
    • Services available upon issue : Only the mobile library card, All services are available for [Authenticated as a Seoul Citizen]. Services limited to e-books, audio books, and electronic magazines for [Authenticated for Company/School in Seoul, overseas Korean]

※ You must visit the library in person to get a physical plastic card issued. Even if you issued your library card online, your documentations will be checked again when issuing a physical card. Please make sure to check the required documents and bring them when visiting the library.

Mobile Library Card

  • Mobile library card issued for visiting in person or online issue
  • In the Seoul Metropolitan Library website/app, go to the main page, click the [Mobile Library Card]. (Or in the Seoul Metropolitan Library app, shake your phone)
  • Use : Mobile library card can be used to check out physical books (if you only have the mobile library card, and it is [Authenticated for Company/School in Seoul, overseas Korean], you cannot borrow physical books)
    (These menus are only provided in Korean)

Mobile library card Sample